Whether there is a hill or its flat...

This evening my little family went for a walk on the greenway behind our neighborhood. I was pushing Evan in his stroller and Bryan was helping Dylan ride his bike. We've ventured down the greenway many times before but for some reason Dylan was scared to ride his bike tonight. Bryan was standing right beside him and there is no way he would let Dylan fall but it didn't matter, Dylan was fearful. As I witnessed this interaction between father and son, I couldn't help but compare it to my own relationship with my Heavenly Father. I know He is always with me but apparently it occasionally slips my mind because I am often fearful. Just like Dylan, I have no reason to be afraid but I am.  But why? Dylan was focused on the terrain or the what-ifs instead of being focused on his daddy walking right beside him. He could have been completely confident in his dad's ability to keep him safe but he wasn't. I'm the same way. When I focus on the bills, the pain, the house that won't sell, the uncertainites, etc, I get afraid. I could be completely confident in my Father's ability to take care of me but instead, I'm afraid.

When we were almost home Dylan wanted to walk instead of ride because he was still nervous. He said, "Daddy, I just want to walk because there is a hill coming up." Bryan responded by saying, "whether there is a hill or its flat, I'll always be right here. You don't have to be afraid." As he said those words, I felt like God was nudging me. I believe He was reminding me that whether life is easy or difficult, whether I'm rich or poor, whether I'm sick or healthy, whether the house sells or it doesn't, He will always be here. He will never leave me.

Today I am thankful for the reminder that God will never live me. Whether life is like a hill or flat land, He will always be right here. I can be confident in His ability to take care of me. Joshua 1:9 says, "Be strong and courageous, do not be frightened or dismayed. The Lord your God is with you wherever you go." What a blessing it is to know that regardless of what life brings or where I end up, I will never travel alone. I am also grateful for these real life experiences that God uses to touch my heart. I learn by experience so I'm thankful that God is willing to use my life to get my attention when I seem to forget how close He is and how trustworthy He is. I am blown away by God's willingness to be involved with His children in such personal ways.



  1. Hi, Tori!
    You are so in tune with the Lord and it blesses me so much to read your blogs...today's is just what I needed to be reminded of in my own life. Thanks for being so sensitive to the Lord and sharing how He is working in your life and know that He is using you as an example in the lives of others.
    Give those handsome little guys an extra hug and let them know that God is working through your family to draw others to a closer walk with the Lord. With the firm foundation you are giving them, it will be exciting to see how God uses them to change the world where ever God places them!
    Deb from Ohio

    1. Thank you so much Deb! Your words are so encouraging to me! I am so glad that this blog is a blessing to you!


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