Uncomplicated, Relaxing, Lovely Day

Some days it seems like I am overly aware of God's sweet blessings. Today was one of those days. My boys haven't been feeling 100% for the past few days but this morning, when we woke up, everyone was mostly back to normal! Later in the morning we met some friends at Ingram's Strawberry Patch. It was a beautiful day and the temperature was perfect. We rode a tractor to the patch and the boys (and the mommies) picked lots and lots of strawberries. As I looked around at all those bright red strawberries, I couldn't help but see little gifts from God laying all over the place! If you think about it, it truly is amazing how  fruits and vegetables just grow right out of the ground. We definitely take those gifts for granted. After the strawberry patch we toured the farm and saw several different kinds of animals. Evan said "goat" for the first time and started making chicken noises. It was adorable! Then we went to our friend's home and ate a yummy lunch. I think the mommies had as much fun as the boys did! During our homeschool time today, Dylan wrote about our trip to the Strawberry Patch. He definitely enjoyed himself. We ended our day by having dinner together as a family and going to church. Overall, it was a very uncomplicated, relaxing, lovely day. 

Today I am thankful for all the simple things that made this day wonderful. I am grateful for healthy children, warm weather, the beautiful sunshine, precious friends, big ripe strawberries, witnessing my little guy see farm animals for the first and hearing him imitate them, an afternoon of homeschool, spending time with family, and an evening at church. I felt aware of God's blessings all day long. Not every day is like that but I am so thankful for the days when I notice how God's goodness just spills all over the place!


  1. Wow!!! I love your blog!!! I am very happy to be part of my time an stay home mother too!!! I enjoy my time with my daughter and I thanks God for all blessings in my life!!! Thanks for inviting me to the church, to be like in my Country, IN THE HANDS OF GOD!!


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