Please don't give me a wedgie!

 Would you believe me if I told you that life with 3 boys is wild?? 
You probably would, huh? I'm telling you, just an average Wednesday night in the Shaw household is full of all sorts of craziness! I did hear a first tonight though! 

Bryan was wrestling with the boys and suddenly Dylan starts yelling "Please don't give me a wedgie!" Now by those words, you would assume that he didn't want a wedgie but the way he was shaking his booty in front of Bryan and laughing, proved that he really did want a wedgie! HA! Then, of course, Evan and Tyson started saying, "Please don't give me a wedgie!" (One in English, one in toddler language) So we had three little boys running around shaking their tail ends and begging for wedgies. 

There. Is. Never. A. Dull. Moment.

As you can see from this picture above, they got their wedgies! They thought it was hysterical! And I just had to show you the picture below, just to give you an idea of life as a Mom with three boys! Community Potty.....oh geez!

Today I am grateful for this crazy, wild, noisy, beautiful life God has blessed me with. There truly never is a dull moment but you know what, I wouldn't want it any other way. These little guys are so much fun! They make life exciting! I am also thankful that we are expecting a little girl! I'm not sure our house would stay standing if we added another boy to the mix! She is sure to be loved and protected and spoiled by her three big brothers! 


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