Peace-Right When You Need It

"Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." 
Philippians 4:7

Sometimes when I read the verse above, I sort of nonchalantly agree with it....the peace that exceeds anything I can understand.... I mean, unless you've experienced it, you probably can't really relate to that verse. I've experienced it several times in the past but honestly, as life goes on, you sort of forget what that peace feels like. 

Today I was given the opportunity, once again, to experience God's peace, which exceeds anything I can understand. I must admit, there is nothing like it, and I am forever grateful that my God is so active in my life, flooding me with peace right when I need it.

My boys and I were at a birthday party when I was informed that my Mom had been taken by ambulance to the hospital. All I knew is that she had been driving but they picked her up on the side of the road. Normally, my mind would go wild at the possibilities and fear would start to creep in. Today, however, I wasn't afraid. I just immediately started praying and quickly figured out a way to get my boys to Bryan so I could go see my Mom. I wasn't rattled or worried or scared. God smothered me with peace.

I got to the hospital and was told they had taken her to another hospital because it had a stroke center. My mind wanted to freak out because both of my maternal grandparents passed away after having strokes. But, there was peace. I just got back in the car and started driving to the next hospital.

It wasn't until I passed by her car of the side of the interstate that I started to worry. I guess it became a little more real once I saw the car. I still had no idea what might be happening but my heart broke for her as I thought about what she might have endured on the side of the road. There was a song on the playing in my car that ministered to my soul, it said, "Oh my God, He will not delay, my refuge and strength, always. I will not fear, His promise is true, my God will come through, always."

My fear disappeared and the peace covered me. 

I found my Mom completely coherent and doing pretty good. She had been driving when her right side went completely numb. She couldn't even move her foot to push the brake on her car. She was able to pull off the road (using her left foot) and call 911 before becoming incoherent. The doctors said she had a TIA (mini-stroke). She has had several tests and is staying in the hospital for monitoring but she's ok, thankfully.

You never know how you'll handle bad news when you get it but honestly, it would be my usual tendency to be filled with anxiety and worry. The peace I felt today wasn't something I mustered up. It was a gift from my Heavenly Father. I know the outcome could have been much different but I believe that peace would have still be present. Today I am thankful that my Mom was able to pull off the road and call 911. I am thankful that the numbness did not remain in her right side. I am thankful that she seems to be "herself" with no lasting damage from the mini-stroke. I am also grateful for the peace. The peace that surpasses all understanding. Paul was spot on when he described it that way. You really can't fully understand it or explain it. Its just a gift; a guarding of the heart and mind by our Heavenly that is something to be grateful for!


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