My Cup Overflows!

Today was an amazing day!!! It started at 1am in the morning actually! That is when I promoted to Associate Director with KEEP Collective. I've reached this goal before but its been a year since my team has been able to reach that level again. This was a huge accomplishment for my team and for me. Since my life-long friend and the Star Designer on my team passed away, my team has struggled. It has been so sad and hard but we encouraged one another and kept moving forward and we finally made it back! I know Lauren is smiling on our team, the Victorious KEEPers! 

 I woke up this morning exhausted from staying up too late working towards that promotion but I quickly became alert when my doctor's office called with the results of my recent DNA test for our sweet baby. I've been waiting over a week for these results so I was so excited to get this phone call!

I was the only one the new the results when did the reveal! We gave the boys cans of silly string and went "live" on facebook to share the good news!! The boys were sooooo excited when pink string started spraying out of the can! I think we're all a little shocked...with a DNA test we can be pretty certain it really is a girl! I wasn't sure we could have a girl! HAHA

Later my friend Meghan surprised me by bombing my house (and me!) with pink!!! It was so much fun and such a surprise. It made today so special! And, it just so happened that my best friend, Valerie, and I had already planned to have afternoon tea at the J.H. Adams Inn. So, we got to celebrate my big news with a girl's afternoon out, which was a ton of fun and very relaxing for two expecting Mommas!

I'm serious when I say that I've just been blown away today by God's goodness! By His Grace, I reached the Associate Director level again. According to His plan, our fourth child will be a girl! Because of His love shining through my friends, I was showered with love by some of the sweetest ladies in my life. And this all happened in the same day! My God just constantly amazes me! He is so good and so involved in our lives! 

Today I am grateful that my Heavenly Father knows the desires of our hearts. When I say that my "cup overflowa," that is an understatement! Not all days are as wonderful as this one, but today, I can feel God's love all around me. I am so thankful for all of His blessings but most of all, for His activity in my life and His willingness to smother me with His love. Today, my cup overflows! Thank you Father!


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