In a world I can't control....

Today, as I was driving home from the grocery store, I heard one of my favorite songs on the radio. I've heard "Already There" by Casting Crowns a hundred times but I've never paid much attention to the second portion of the first verse. It says, "I wish I knew how all my fears and all my questions were gonna play out in a world I can't control." 

Hhmmmm....a world I can't control.... 
As I heard that phrase, my mind got stuck. I pondered that phrase the rest of the way home. That is one of the biggest problems in life isn't it? We are all  worried and bothered and stressed and concerned because we live in a world that we can't control. In fact, there are a lot of things that are completely out of my control right now. I have no control over a house that won't sell, a worker's comp case that won't settle, back pain that won't go away, temper tantrums thrown by an 18 month old, traffic jams, other people who make poor choices, or the upset tummy of my 5 year old. I could probably continue that list for an hour. Truthfully, I have very little control over anything.  I wouldn't really want to control the entire world but, there are definitely some specific things in my life I wish I had some control over.

While continuing this thought I said to myself, "It's kind of sad that I don't know what tomorrow holds and I have absolutely no control over it." I quickly felt God whisper to me, "But you know the One who does!"

Yes, yes I do. When I focus my attention on the One who controls it all, I feel peace flood my heart. No, I don't know what tomorrow holds but I know Who holds tomorrow. He is in complete control, so I can let go and rest in His ability to take care of me and my family. 

Today I am thankful that I live in a world that I can't control. What if we could all control our world? That would be a disaster! Thankfully, the One who created this world is still in charge of it. He knows exactly what He is doing and we can trust Him. I needed this reminder today.(Actually, I need this reminder everyday!) As this crazy world often seems to overwhelm, I can rest because God is in control. His plans can't be thwarted and His love is unending. I will lean on that constant truth in this unpredictable, ever-changing world. 


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