Wanna be happier?

Wanna be happier? 

Well, recently on KLOVE I heard about a study that proved that gratitude is guaranteed to alter your mood. The study was done when folks were feeling really depressed. They were asked to list several things that they were grateful for. It could be something important like a loved one or something as simple as a song on the radio. Just naming some of those things changed their moods drastically. 

I've been thinking a lot about that so throughout the day, if I started feeling blue, I intentionally thought of things I'm thankful for. It worked. Just thinking of my children, my husband, the ability to be a stay at home mom, having enough food to eat or an upcoming vacation to enjoy took the focus off of whatever was bothering me and made me feel happier.

I've been writing this blog for two and a half years now and I must say, I already knew the information KLOVE shared. After choosing to live a life of gratitude, paying close attention to God's blessings, and being grateful even on the worst days, not only has my mood changed, my life has changed! Focusing on God's blessings makes it hard to complain. Counting the gifts of life makes even a bad day have a silver lining. The Bible is full of verses that tell us to be grateful in all circumstances. When we choose to be thankful we are making much about God instead of making much of ourselves or others or situations. When we choose to be thankful we are placing all the "bad" stuff in God's hands and giving Him glory for all the good. When we choose a life of gratitude we will be happier, because as 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, giving thanks is will of Christ Jesus for our lives.

Today I am thankful that this recent secular study reinforced the truths found in the Bible. Being thankful can change our moods and make us happier. But we already knew that, didn't we? Its nice to see that the world is catching up with the scriptures, in some ways at least. I am also thankful for this blog. When I started it two and half years ago I would have never guessed how much it would impact my life but God did! I'm so glad He blessed me with the idea of living a life of gratitude. 

Wanna be happier? Be grateful!



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