The Best Story Teller of All

Bryan and I were 2 of the 13.2 million people that watched The Bible on the History Channel. We enjoyed it so much that we pre-ordered the DVD collection. It came in the mail this weekend and we've spent the last two evenings watching it again, after the boys have gone to bed. Seeing it for the second time is even better! The producers and screen writers must have really studied God's Word because this series was full of so many of it's wonderful details.

We just watched the portion of the series that depicts the parting of the Red Sea. I've heard or read this story numerous times but I've never imagined it the way it was shown in this series. I guess I've always pictured it as more of a cartoon or children's story but in reality it would have been absolutely breath taking. I love the way The Bible portrayed this event. It was dark, scary, loud, overwhelming, huge and rushed. I've been trying to imagine being one of the Israelites standing at the edge of the Red Sea, wondering how in the world we would get away from the Egyptians that were approaching; seeing God drive back the sea with a strong east wind and allowing me and my family to walk across on dry land. It wouldn't have been fairy tale-like or cartoonish. It would have been very similar to the way the series portrayed it. I would have been scared. It would have been dark inside the enormous ocean. It would have been loud. We would have been frantically hurrying. The walls of water would have been gigantic. The entire experience would have been frighteningly wonderful. Oh, how I'd love to see God do something so incredible again!

Today I am thankful for The Bible. This series had the highest ratings of the year. My prayer is that many hearts were stirred as so many people encountered the characters of the Bible, especially Jesus. I am also thankful for the more realistic version of this story I now have in my mind. I sometimes find that I don't picture these men and women as real but, they were just like you and me! I can't even begin to imagine going through some of the things Abraham, Joseph, Noah, Sarai, Moses, or Mary went went through. This series has helped me to picture them as the real men and women that they were and to remember that if God can use them, He can use anyone.

Mostly, I am thankful for THE BIBLE, God's Word. This series has exposed how amazing God's Word is. It is captivating, interesting, and dramatic. Without the actual Word, there would have been no series to watch on the History Channel. Its clear to me that God is the best story teller of all. 
Thank You, Father!


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