Gratitude is CATCHING ON!!

Do you ever get a feeling or ponder a thought and then God totally redirects you? For the past week or two I've been contemplating this blog and wondering if I should stop writing it. I've been thinking to myself, "this is stupid, what I think doesn't matter, people probably think I'm an idiot." I guess Satan has really been trying to discourage me. Well, today I received a comment from a reader in Ohio. I had no idea I had a reader in Ohio! 
Here is her heartfelt comment:

I don't even know how I came across your blog...but I know God had planned that I would several months ago. You have blessed me over and over with your bold witness and love for the Lord. I love your outspoken faith and the practical ways you share God's love with your family, friends and bloggers! What a sweet family you have and I love all the traditions you have created and shared. I have shared your blog with my ladies Bible study group so know that you have a little band of followers up here in Ohio! We may never meet here on this earth but I look forward to the day when we can walk the streets of heaven and share all the ways the Lord has blessed us! Thank you for being willing to share so openly and honestly what the Lord is doing in your life and know that your life of gratitude is catching on...not only in readers but in practice!


Okay God!!! I get it!!! What a wonderful way to get Your point across! I was brought to tears by Deb's comment. I am totally humbled by the thought of a group of ladies reading my simple words. I guess its true that God can use anyone! Oh, what a blessing to be an encouragement to others! Thank you Jesus!

Today I am thankful for the ways God redirects me and points me in the right direction. He used Deb to revitalize me spiritually. Her words helped me to remember that regardless of I say in this blog, God can use it any way He pleases! I am thrilled to be used by our God!  I am also thankful for my faithful readers! Thank you for allowing me to share my life, my family, my faith, and my struggles with you. 

I have to say, I love knowing that my "life of gratitude is CATCHING ON!" For me, there are no sweeter words. That is my prayer, that this blog would spur others on to life of gratitude; praising the One who has blessed us over and over again!

Deb, You'll never know how much your words mean to me! Thank you!


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