Not just a never ending treadmill...

Have you ever felt like life is just a never ending treadmill? There are so many things that I find myself doing over and over again. Laundry, cooking, cleaning, picking up toys, changing diapers, dealing with back pain...just to name a few. Sometimes these things seem to go on and on with no real purpose. At the end of my life I really doubt that I will not look back with a sense of accomplishment because of all the laundry I folded. If I focus on all these seemingly menial tasks, it can start to seem like life is purposeless; just a never ending treadmill.

This is something I've been contemplating for a while so I was pleased to hear our pastor speak about life's purpose yesterday at church. It was reassuring to be reminded that God has a purpose for each of His children. Even when seems like all I do is wipe snotty noses, teach math lessons, and vacuum, God has a purpose for me. Without God our life seems useless, tiresome, unfulfilling and out of control. With God, however, life has meaning and purpose. 

I came across John 15:16 recently. It says "You did not choose Me, I choose you." That verse speaks to me because I've always struggled with seeing my worth. Knowing that Jesus chose me absolutely floors me! He chose me? Why? Because He loves me and He has a plan. He is orchestrating a masterpiece and chose me to be a part of it! I have a purpose. I love the thought that God's plan has ALWAYS included me. 

Today I am thankful that life has purpose because we are chosen by the One who created us. Life has purpose even when its all the same ol' same ol'. Life has purpose even when I'm up to my ears in cheerios. Life has purpose when I'm tripping over the 47 balls laying on my living room floor. God has brought me here. He has me right where He wants me. I was created for a purpose. I was created to live a life that screams of God's faithfulness and love. I was created to point others to Christ. 

My life is more than just a never ending treadmill and so is yours! We have purpose. We are chosen. Thank you Jesus!


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