Down the Homeschooling Path...

This evening, after dinner, Dylan read 'Hop on Pop" by Dr. Seuss for his grandparents. He has been doing a great job with reading but I was floored by how well he read this book. It was the first time he had ever read the book and he did outstanding! I must have been beaming from ear to ear!

Hearing my 4 year old son read increases my love for homeschooling! He has learned so much this year. We only have a few weeks left in our Kindergarten year together and we're already looking forward to next year! We even ordered our First Grade curriculum this afternoon. Dylan is so excited! He cannot wait to open the box when it arrives! 

Today I am thankful for the ability to homeschool Dylan. I always enjoyed being a teacher because I loved teaching those sweet children to read. But, I gotta say, teaching my own son how to read is even better!  I am also thankful for the ability to order our First Grade curriculum. God provided the money we needed for our Kindergarten curriculum last year and He did it again this year! Praise be to God for guiding us down the homeschooling path and providing everything we need along the way!


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