The Lord's Day

Our Pastor's message at church today was focused on Mark 2:27 which says "Then he said to them, 'The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.”  I now understand that the Sabbath is a gift given from God for man. It seems natural for all of us to be constantly busy, stressed out, frustrated, and overwhelmed. Life just isn't easy these days. It is a wonderful gift to have one day each week to put the cares of the world aside and focus on our Lord. God gave us the Sabbath to rest in Him. The Sabbath is a gift!

Today I am thankful for the Sabbath. Jesus is the Lord of every day but I truly enjoy having one day each week that revolves around Him. There are many people who don't see the importance of going to church or of setting a day apart for God. They would rather sleep late or make it to a football game. I just can't help but wonder...if you can set apart one day a week for God, are you really prepared to spend eternity with Him?


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