He did THAT for me!

God Answers Prayer!!! It's true, He did it for me! Sometimes it easy to get caught up in the things of life and feel as though God doesn't really hear our prayers but today, God showed me that He does hear, He does care, and He does respond!

At my 20 week ultrasound the doctor told me that I had Placenta Previa- a condition where the  placenta is lying unusually low in the uterus, next to or covering the cervix. If the placenta doesn't move by the end of the pregnancy, it can cause preterm labor, bleeding, and other severe complications.
It also means that natural labor and delivery is out of the question, a c-section must be done. Today I had another ultrasound to see if the placenta had moved. It has moved and everything looks wonderful!! I have been praying non-stop for 10 weeks about this. It would have been ok either way because I know that God knows best and is in complete control but I must say, it is awesome that God answered my prayer. He did that for me!

Today I am thankful that the God of the Universe hears my prayers. I may not always be able to tell how He is answering prayers but today it was obvious (and sometimes I need obvious...haha!) I'll never be able to fully understand why God listens to my prayers, cares about my needs, or why He is active in my life but I am so grateful that He is!


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