Sweet Snuggles

Tonight, after all my boys took a bath and got ready for bed, they asked if they could lay in my bed and watch an episode of "Puss In Boots." I couldn't resist the chance to snuggle with my fellas because they are often too busy and too energetic lay on the bed with me. They argued over who would lay beside me so I ended up laying in the middle with a 6 year old one side and a 3 year old on the other. My 4 month old sat on top of me. I say sat because he refuses to lay down these days. He is so "big" now, just like his brothers, or so he thinks. He absolutely loves sitting up and trying to stand. So, the four of us watched "Puss in Boots" in my bed. It was so sweet!

Today I am thankful for those sweet snuggly moments with my boys. The older they get the more rare these moments will become, I'm sure. So, I'm going to enjoy their snuggles every chance I get! And I have to admit, I love it when they argue over who gets to sit beside me. (It's the only time I like their arguing!) They sure do know how to make their Mommy feel special!


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