Just What I Needed!

Do you see the red arrow?? That's her! Laura Story photo bombed our picture!

I love it when God allows me to see Him providing just what I need, when I need it. Even though I'd been planning to go on this girls' night out for a while, I had no idea how perfect the timing would be and how much I would need it! Some friends and I went to see Laura Story in concert tonight. You probably know her song "Blessings." (What if your blessings come through rain drops, what if your healing comes through tears....) She also wrote "Indescribable," and "What a Savior," both of which are big hits in the Christian music world but are sang by other artists. I had no idea how much I'd love this concert! I knew almost every song she sang and really enjoyed the ones I didn't know. The songs were wonderful but so was her testimony. She has such a genuine love for Jesus but she's also honest about her struggles. It was so refreshing. She is a mommy of 3 and has walked with her with her husband through some very difficult times. God has and is using her in mighty ways and she still struggles, still worries, still wonders, and still doubts. Since I'm also a Mommy of 3 who is learning to believe how much God loves me and cares for me, I was really touched by the nuggets of truth she shared. As she spoke and sang, I kept sending myself text messages so I could remind myself of what I heard. These little thoughts are so good....I thought I'd share with you.

Hope is not wishful thinking. It is believing in the One who will not let go.

So be my Father, my mighty Warrior, be my King. ‘Cause I can be scattered, frail and shattered. Lord, I need You now to be my God so I can just be me.

If it feels like you can't go on another day alone--it's because you can't. If it seems like this world is broken---it's because it is. This is not our home.

I ask you: "How many times will you pick me up, When I keep on letting you down? And each time I will fall short of Your glory, How far will forgiveness abound? "And You answer: " My child, I love you. And as long as you're seeking My face, You'll walk in the power of My daily sufficient grace. "

I will never be worthy but He is worthy. If I can always remember that, everything else will fall into place.

And the words I want to frame and hang in my house somewhere...
"May I gaze deeper, May I stand longer, May I press onward to know You Lord."

Mommy life is hard. It's tiring. It's absolutely wonderful. It's consuming and overwhelming but I wouldn't have it any other way. I needed a night out with friends. I am so thankful for the laughter and the moments of honesty. I am grateful that God has blessed me with friends to "do" life with. I am also grateful for Laura Story's songs and her testimony. She was a true blessing to me tonight. I am thankful for the nuggets of truth that I can relate to and learn from. God knew exactly what I needed tonight!


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