Speak Up!

I heard the most amazing testimony tonight. I won't tell the story because it isn't my story to tell but I will say this, telling others what God has done in your life is POWERFUL! Regardless of whether you believe your story is impressive or not, if you've seen God at work, speak up! I know God has done some amazing things in my life. He's probably done some pretty awesome things in yours as well. So why don't we talk it about it more? Why aren't we shouting from the roof tops? Tonight's testimony got me fired up, can you tell? God is up to some major stuff! He is in the "turning ashes into beauty" business! If word of mouth is the best kind of advertising, we need to start talking! I'm convinced that if we all shared more openly all the things we see God doing in our lives and the lives of our loved ones, the church pews would be filled!

God is up to something all the time. He never stops working things for good. And the most amazing part -- He lets us be a part of it. What an honor (even though honestly it can be incredibly hard.) When we look back over the circumstances of our lives and we can finally see all that God has accomplished, it can be so comforting to us. It doesn't take the pain away but it helps us to see the bigger picture. Sharing what God has accomplished can also be a part of that bigger picture. We never know what impact our testimony might have on another person, family, or even community.

Today I am thankful for the testimony I heard tonight. God brought so much good from such a terrible tragedy. It doesn't erase the pain of the tragedy but it helps to give it purpose. It helps me to trust in His plan, even though I have no idea what tomorrow holds. I am also grateful for the reminder that our testimony is so important. God deserves the glory for all that He has done! When we openly share all the He has done in our own stories, we introduce the world to a personal, loving, all-knowing, good, kind, purposeful, compassionate God. I think you'd agree, the world needs to meet Him!



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