Mommy Time

Every now and then I get to have some "Mommy Time!" Sometimes I do things with friends or go to church events but today, I spent time all by myself. It was wonderful. It was quiet. No one pulled on my clothes. I didn't have to blow anyone's nose. I didn't have to change a diaper or teach a math lesson. Did I say it was wonderful? I had a pedicure and read a book. It wasn't a children's book either! I've actually been reading the same book for 5 months so having a little time to read was definitely welcomed!

Today I am thankful for Mommy Time. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE being a Mommy! There is nothing sweeter, nothing I'd rather do each day. But it is important for us Mommies to take care of ourselves and sometimes that means a few minutes away from the kids. I am also thankful for my sweet hubby who takes over the Mommy role for a few hours so that I can get away! Thanks Babe!


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