No Bus for Us!

This evening, as we were sitting at the dining room table eating dinner, I noticed a school bus drive through our neighborhood. This bus drives through at the same time every night, which is usually around 6pm. As I watched the bus drive away I couldn't help but wonder, why is a child just now getting home from school? I mean, its 6pm for Pete's sake! Then my mind started to ponder the child who has to ride the bus home in the dark each night. I bet he hates getting home so late. What time does he leave for school? Why in the world doesn't he get home sooner? How many hours a day does he spend in school or on that bus? Is the bus warm enough this late in the day? What school does he go to? How does he have time to get his homework done or play sports or be a boy scout or play with his friends? It's almost bedtime when he gets home from school! Does he get to spend any time with his family?

As these thoughts filled my mind, gratitude filled my heart. I am so grateful that my children do not have to attend public school. There is no bus for us! I used to teach in a public school and I know how valuable it is to all the children that are apart of it but, I have to be honest, it is a great blessing to be able to homeschool my boys. We are able to protect them from so much. We are able to spend our days together without the hurried, rushed mornings and evenings filled with homework. We live a relaxed life and have the time to really emphasize the things that truly matter in life. We are able to spend time in God's Word and spend time praying together. I can't imagine not seeing my child until 6pm every night. That thought breaks my heart. I know homeschooling isn't for everyone, in fact I never dreamed it would be right for my family. But I am so thankful that God led us down this path. Don't get me wrong, homeschooling is NOT always easy, but I am so grateful!

Today I am grateful for the ability to homeschool my children. Being home together every day is such a blessing. I get to be their Mommy and their teacher! We get to spend so much time together! We get to enjoy life together! We can sleep in and wear our pajamas all day if we want to! We get to pick our own curriculum and teach in the ways that best suit our children. We get to pounce on each other's nerves and argue over who gets to play with that toy or watch that movie (hey, if they were at school, they wouldn't even get to do that!) I am also thankful that my kid's do not have ride the bus. Whether it gets home at 2:30 or 6pm, I am grateful that my boys never have to ride it. I never, ever thought I'd be anything other than a public school teacher. It never even crossed my mind to homeschool my kids until God made it clear that this was the path He has for us. I am eternally grateful for this path and for all the blessings that come along with it. Even on the worst days, I believe homeschooling is one God's greatest gifts to me as a Mommy!



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