
On the way home from Mom2Mom at church today Evan was singing "Jesus Loves Me." It was absolutely adorable! He was belting it out at the top of his lungs. My favorite part was his way of singing, "Yeeeees, Jesus love me, Yeeeeees, Jesus loves me!" He screamed out "YEEEES!" with such certainty and repeated it over and over again. I loved hearing his little voice singing these precious words. May he always be so certain that Jesus loves him!

Today I am thankful for the teachers at our church that reinforce what we teach our boys at home. They can never hear too much about how much Jesus loves them! These sweet little songs help children to learn some of the most important truths they can ever learn. I am also grateful for Evan's little voice. Hearing him scream out, "Yeeeeees, Jesus loves me" just brightened my day today. I just love hearing him sing!


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