Getting close!

I have an app on my phone called "Baby Bump." The app updates me weekly on the progress of our sweet little bundle of joy. Today, at 33 weeks pregnant, the app explained that our little Allison is the size of a pineapple (not the leafy part).  I love seeing the different representations of her size. It gives us a really good idea of how big she is getting. So, of course, we bought a pineapple and took turns holding it.  Dylan couldn't believe that she is so big now!

Holding the pineapple made me realize that we are really getting close! Both of my boys came 3 weeks early, so if Allison makes her entrance when her brothers did, she will arrive in exactly 4 weeks. Wow, that isn't long! Dylan guesses that his baby sister will be born on September 2.  My guess is August 30, which is also my brother's birthday. Bryan guesses September 6, which is also my birthday! If you'd like to make a guess, just click on the link below! I'd love to see all of your guesses!

Today I am thankful for healthy pregnancy. Although I was very sick at the beginning and I have a lot of pain at the end, this pregnancy has been a good one. I am also grateful that I will get to meet this little lady soon! I am really enjoying preparing for her arrival! Decorating with pink and purple is SOOO much fun! Holding that pineapple today caused a lot of excitement within me! Soon I'll be holding our little girl!!


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