Spilled Popcorn

This afternoon Dylan had a major melt down over spilled popcorn. I'm not sure why he got so upset because it really wasn't that big of a deal but he was having a full blown fit. I honestly felt sorry for him, poor little guy. So, instead of disciplining him, I just squeezed him tight and told him how much I loved him. He stopped crying and said, "Mommy, I love you more than anything in the world." 

As I've thought back on those moments throughout the day, it has occurred to me that I often react to situations in my life just like Dylan did. To God, my "issues" probably don't warrant my emotions and actions. But instead of disciplining me for pitching a fit and acting ridiculous for no good reason, God holds me tight and reminds me of His love. And ya know, in those moments I realize how much I love God. His mercy. His grace. Oh, He is so good to me.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to toot my own horn as a mother. I mess up over and over again with my boys. At least once today, however, I think I did it right and it has caused me to ponder God's gentleness with me. While I want my boys to obey the first time, to be respectful and responsible, and grow into mature Christ-followers, sometimes, I need to look past the behavior and into the heart of my child. 

Today I am thankful that God knows my heart. He doesn't just see my meltdowns and my mess ups and scold me. He reminds me of His presence and overwhelms me with His love. I am also grateful for God's gentle way of showing me the value of parenting the way He does. My boys do need discipline and correction but more than that, they need to know how much their Mommy loves them even though they throw a fit over spilled popcorn!


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