Brotherly love...

Every night after dinner my family does devotions. I'm not sure we technically do it "right" but we try! After reading a Bible story or an illustration and then discussing it, we pray for a family that is close to us. We pick a different family each night from a book I made with all the Christmas card pictures we received this past Christmas, along with a few other photos. Tonight, we picked some of our cousins. We suggested that the boys pray that their cousins would come to know Jesus as their Savior. Dylan promptly said, "Um, I'm pretty sure they already know Jesus." One of the cousins is a baby so we told Dylan that most likely the baby hasn't asked Jesus into her heart yet so we should pray that one day she would. So, Dylan prayed that his little cousins would one day accept 
Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Our little prayer book
(made up of the Christmas cards we received and some other photos)

As we continued talking, Dylan asked Evan if knew Jesus. Evan said, "no." This really concerned Dylan so he began telling Evan all about Jesus. He told him that Jesus loved him and that God told people what to write in the Bible so that we could learn all about Jesus. I gotta say, this heart of mine was beaming! Hearing my 5 year old witness to my 2 year was outstanding!

When tucking the boys into bed, Dylan prayed that Evan would know more about Jesus. Without any prompting, Dylan has shared Jesus with his brother today and prayed for his brother. Oh, what a sweet blessing! May they always encourage each other in their faith and pray for one another!

Today I am thankful for family devotions. It isn't always easy to get everyone to sit still or to find time to do them but our family devotions are often a sweet time of discussion and learning. We've gotten to have many wonderful talks with Dylan through this time of Bible study and prayer together as a family. I am also thankful that Dylan is learning how important salvation is for everyone. I love his concern for his brother and that he decided to share Jesus with him. It's actually a good reminder for all of us. We should be sharing our faith and praying all the time because every person we encounter needs Jesus! 


  1. Double "like." Super sweet glimpse into your Dylan's heart. May he always follow through on the Lord's prompting to share about Jesus!


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