More similar than different

Last night I went to a Women's event at church. It was a wonderful time with my sisters in Christ hearing from 5 lovely ladies from 5 different countries. Each woman shared about their culture, their salvation, the persecution in their countries, and what its like to be a woman in their country. I knew we had it good here in America but after listening to these ladies share, I am ashamed by how much we take for granted.

I can't stop thinking about several of the stories that were shared last night. Honestly, women are all more similar than we are different but their cultures are very different from mine. The Pakistani woman shared that the women in Pakistan have to bring a dowry when they are married which includes all the furniture for the home, TVs, dishes, etc. If the woman isn't able to bring everything required, the mother-in-law kills her. She also shared that if the Pakistani husband isn't pleased with his wife's cooking he will shave her eyebrows or cut her nose with a knife so that others know she isn't a satisfactory wife. The lady from Nigeria shared if anyone is discovered worshiping God in Nigeria, their house will be bombed. If they try to run, the police will behead them. Either way, if you are a Christian, you're dead. The Malaysian woman shared that all Malaysian women are forced to spend hours making sure their appearance is perfect. Their hair, makeup, skin, and dresses have to be without error, even if they're just going to the store. 

I've been comparing my life to the stories I heard all day. If I were from any of those countries I would either be dead or have no eyebrows and be forced to stay inside because my appearance isn't up to par. I just can't imagine living with such fear. Some people think that women in American aren't "equal" to men but in comparison to the rest of the world, we're doing REALLY well! We can go school, drive, work in any industry we'd like, buy our own cars and homes, and even raise children on our own. We can do anything we want, with or without a man. On top of that, we can worship God openly and while others may not like it, they can't stop us or hurt us because of our faith. Women of America really need to stop complaining and start praying for our sisters in other countries.

Today I am thankful to have been born into a family that is fortunate to live in the United States. I could have just as easily been born into an African tribe, uneducated, forced to worship idols and abused by my family. Why did God allow me to born in such a privileged place? I'll never know but today, I am abundantly thankful. Honestly, all women are more similar than different, we're just born in different places which causes our lives to be different. I am also grateful for a husband that just keeps his thoughts to himself when he doesn't like my cooking. I can't imagine what I'd look like if we lived in Pakistan. He isn't a fan of trying new recipes, so if he had to shave my eyebrows or cut my face, I'd look ridiculous! He also doesn't care that I don't dress like a beauty queen when I go to the store or demand that my makeup be just right. I get to be myself which is an incredible blessing when I consider how so many other women are living their lives. 

Thank you, Father, for allowing me to live in such an amazing country. Please forgive me for taking so many blessings for granted. I pray for my sisters in Nigeria, Pakistan, Malaysia, China, and the Sudan. Lord, please allow them to find their worth and their comfort in You. Protect them and give them Your peace. Please do a mighty work in their countries and their relationships. Please do what only You can do. In Jesus Name, Amen.


  1. Hi Tori. You write so beautifully clear and lovingly. Yes i too take things for granted but i believe God is taking me to a new level..i cant get enough of Him in prayer and praise. Im not sure where it is leading me but thankfully He am praying for patience and a good listening ear for His Holy Spirit. I pray for your good health during your pregnancy and blessings for your family as you teach them at home. I also thank God for finding your blog. Bless you . Chris

  2. Thank you Chris! I'll be praying for you and your family!


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