
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart" Jeremiah 1:5

Tonight, after dinner, Bryan asked Dylan to recall some of the verses he has memorized. When he asked him to say Jeremiah 1:5 my heart just smiled. He recited the verse and then we talked about it some. I asked him how that verse applies to the baby I'm currently carrying. I listened to him talk about how God knows this baby already. He told me that God knows the baby's name, when he/she will be born and even when the baby will get married (which he thinks will be at 16 but that will not happen if I have anything to do with it!) It brought me so much joy to consider this truth. God knows my baby, even now, when its only the size of a sweet pea.

To think that our great and mighty God knows the intimate details of this little life before it was even conceived just blows my mind. This week my baby's eyes and ears will be formed. But God already knows every breath-taking thing those eyes will see. He already knows every beautiful song those ears will hear. Did you know that by the end of the 6th week of pregnancy, a baby's little hands and feet will start wiggling? How amazing is that? God knows every step those tiny feet will take and He has ordered those steps. 

As I ponder who this tiny child will become, what gender it is, what it will look like, and what it's life will hold, I can rest assured that God knows every little detail about this baby's life and He has already set this child apart.

Today I am thankful for the life that God has created within me. It is such an honor to be carrying around one of God's precious miracles. I am also thankful that the Word of God comforts the anxious heart of an expecting mother. Although I have so many questions and concerns about this baby, the Bible reminds me that God knows him/her and has great things in store. I can rest. I can breathe. God loved this baby before I even knew it existed. He chose our family for it to be born into. He knows every little thing about this little one. 

Thank You, Father, for this little miracle. Thank You for knowing my baby so well before it was even conceived. Thank You for choosing our family for this little guy or gal to be a part of. Thank You for setting this child apart. You never cease to amaze me, O Lord. Amen.


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