A Plan for Me Too!

Life has seemed a little crazy and chaotic lately. Being pregnant and trying to constantly keep up with a two year old and homeschooling a 5 year old, all while living at my mom's house because we're waiting on other people to do their jobs correctly makes life feel pretty unorganized. If you know me, you'd probably agree that unorganized is NOT my middle name. I am a planner. I like things in the right place, at the right time. The chaotic pace our life has been on lately hasn't been easy for me. While I totally trust God, I find myself wondering from time to time, what in the world He has planned! I keep trying to figure it out but, I guess that just isn't going to happen!

One of the good things about this unorganized path we're on is that I have been incredibly aware of God's constant involvement. It seems like a day doesn't pass without Him reassuring me in some way. Today, while doing our schoolwork, Dylan read a portion of his Bible Reader called, "God's Plan." It was the part of Joseph's story where God's plan is revealed. Because Joseph was thrown into a pit, sold into slavery, then tossed into prison in Eygpt, Joseph was exactly where God needed him to be, when God needed him to be there. Joseph was used by God to sustain life in all of Eygpt and surrounding countries, even to the brothers that hated him. Joseph must have wondered so many times what in the world God was up to. But GOD HAD A PLAN! 

I didn't pay that much attention to today's story until Dylan started writing in his Bible Notebook after reading the story. He wrote "God had a plan for Joseph. God has a plan for me too."  As soon as I read what my 5 year old son had written I knew God was speaking right to me. Just as He had a plan for Joseph's life, He also has a plan for me and my family. It may look as though He has misplaced us or forgotten us for awhile but He honestly has us right where He wants us. Joseph never wanted to be imprisoned, I'm sure, but God needed him to be right there in that jail for a purpose.  So, I have to believe that God has a purpose for us, right here, in this unorganized, chaotic place.

Today I am thankful that even when things seem so crazy to me, I can rest assured that God isn't worried or feeling panicked. He is in complete control even when life seems out of control. I am also grateful that even though I can't see it now, one day I will be able to see where this path is leading us and how it fulfills God's plan. Mostly, I am amazed by God's involvement. He knows that this season of life isn't easy for me but instead of scolding me or disciplining me, He reminds me how much He loves me and how much He cares for me and my family. He never lets me forget that He has a plan for me too!


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