We're just like Jonah!

Today at MOMS we discussed the story of Jonah. For most of us, our minds immediately imagine an enormous fish when we hear Jonah's name but today, we focused on a different part of the story. Instead of learning about Jonah's disobedience and his time inside the fish, we learned about God's compassion, mercy and grace. 

I've never really thought about how amazing this story is. Not only did God dramatically save Jonah's life, He also saved many more through this radical experience.  Jonah was running as fast as he could away from God but all the while, the people around Jonah were running toward God. God's compassion and mercy for all the people in this story absolutely amazes me!

When Jonah was on the boat headed toward Tarshish and the huge storm came, the sailors ended up beseeching God and turning to Him.  If this story had not unfolded exactly as it did, these sailors would not have seen their need for God. 

Not only did the sailors turn toward God, the Ninevites did also. When Jonah preached a simple message to them, they turned from their evil ways and God refrained from destroying them. This was what God wanted Jonah to do in the first place but his disobedience put a big delay on the process. I absolutely love the fact that God waited on Jonah. He could have destroyed Nineveh at anytime but He didn't. He made sure they were given the chance to repent. Oh, how He loved them!

Once Jonah laid his life before God, the fish vomited him on the dry the land. Jonah was given a second chance. It took a very dramatic event to get His attention but God loved him enough to do it! Jonah deserved to drown in the ocean but God's mercy is so wonderful! He provided the fish and the experience needed to cause Jonah to turn back to God. 

We are just like Jonah! We often think our ideas are better. We run from God. We get ourselves into a huge messes! Just like Jonah, we often need "big fish experiences" to get our attention back on God. 

Today I am thankful for God's mercy and grace. I'm blown away by it! We have all fallen short of the glory of God. Without His mercy and grace, we would all be domed. Just like in Jonah's story, God has provided a way for us. He loves us so much that He is willing to do whatever it takes to draw us closer to Him. What an amazing God we serve!


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