
Dylan told us the most creative story tonight. He said he was eleven years old and lived with me and Popsy (one of his grandfathers) in "Dylanlevere." This is a town that was as far away as the North Pole and everyone made their homes out of mud. One day a big fire ruined the town and now its it called "There-was-a-big-fire-and-no-one-can-live-here-ville." So, we moved to our home and Daddy came to live with us.

You should have seen his face as he conjured up this story! He was so excited. The wheels in his little mind were working overtime. We told him we were amazed by his story and he said, "I know, I have a good imagination!"

Today I am thankful for a child's imagination. It really is an awesome thing! Children come up with the wildest, most inventive tales. A lot of times they create ideas and stories that adults could never even dream of. The emotions, imagination, and endless abilities of the mind always amaze me! In my opinion, the human mind is evidence of the One who created us!



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