"Awwww, my guys!"

I think every Mommy probably experiences moments, now and then, when we absolutely overflow with love for our children. I had that experience twice this evening. 

I was putting Evan in his crib tonight and he was really fussy. I realized that he didn't have his favorite lovey, "Gilbert." So I went on a hunt a for Gilbert and when I returned, Evan's little eyes lit up and he had the biggest grin ever. I just had to pick him up and squeeze him, I couldn't help it! My heart was spilling over with love for that little boy.

A little later, Bryan and I were tucking Dylan into bed when he asked us to lay with him for a few minutes. We did, of course, and Dylan laughed hysterically.  We both laid almost on top of him and squeezed him. He immediately said, "awww, my guys! I love you." He kept holding us as tight as he could. He didn't want us to move. This was another moment when my heart filled with love. There is nothing better than spending time with my sweet little guys, hearing them laugh, and knowing that they realize how much we love them.

I believe these precious moments are gifts from God. Life is so rushed, so hard, so quick. These moments allow me to stop and focus on the gifts God has given me and bask in the joy. Today I am thankful for these sweet moments. As my boys get older, these moments become more and more special.  I am also grateful for the time I am able to spend with my family each day. It is such a blessing to be able to "do" life with "my guys!" They truly are God's greatest blessings in my life!


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