Why are you crying?

Yesterday afternoon I went to visit my grandmother in the hospital because she had taken a turn for the worse. I stayed with her all evening, talking with her, holding her hands, praying over her, rubbing her arms with lotion, and asking God to guide her home. Late in the evening she was transferred to Duke. My mom and I took my grandfather to Duke so that we could be there when she arrived in the ambulance. The trip all the way to Durham was hard on her fragile body. When she arrived, she was barely hanging on. My mom, my Pawpaw, and I went in to see her and my heart shattered. She was in so much pain, gasping for air, and definitely the most pitiful sight I've ever encountered. The wonderful Duke doctors were able to stabilize her and make her comfortable but we all knew this would most likely be the last time we were able to speak with her. As I kissed her forehead, one last time, I told her that everything was ok, that she could go home now. She held on long enough for some other family members to arrive and then she took her last breath. No more suffering.

Later this morning, as I cried on my couch, Dylan came up beside me and said, "Why are you crying, Mommy? She is in Heaven now. She is dancing with Jesus. I can't wait to go there with her!" I needed to hear that right then! I know she is enjoying all the beauty that Heaven has to offer because just one week ago today, I talked with her about her salvation and with my own mouth, reassured her that if Jesus was her Savior and she had surrendered her life to  Him, she WOULD go to Heaven. And she did...today! Hallelujah! 

My grandmother has often referred to things she wanted to do or wanted others to do as "projects." She recently said that she had one more "project" she wanted to do. She said she wanted to learn to walk again. We still don't know why but she suddenly became unable to walk in the past few weeks and was supposed to be admitted into the nursing home today for rehabilitation. Well, that last "project" was quickly accomplished today. As Dylan said, she not only walked again, she is dancing with Jesus! 

My Grandma Davis and me on my 1st birthday

My grandparents at our wedding in 2004

Grandma Davis, Dylan, and Me at Christmas

I am eternally grateful for the last few memories I have of my grandmother. I had been taking food every week for a while so my boys and I spent quite a bit of time with her. I had also visited several times this week in the hospital. I am also thankful for the time with her yesterday and last night. Although she wasn't awake, I am honored to have been with her in the last hours of her life. Although she suffered some, she wasn't alone. But more than anything, I am grateful for the opportunity I had to talk with her about her salvation and reassure her of her future with Jesus. I know, without doubt, where she is and that is such a blessing. 

God has given us such a wonderful gift....the gift of eternal life, with Him, in the most amazing place ever. If you do not know Him as your Savior, please, please, surrender your life to Him and accept His precious gift. He gave His life for us. Let's live our lives for Him! 

"And this is love. Not that we loved God but that He loved us and sent His Son as a sacrifice for our sins." 1st John 4:10


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