Do you know who you are?

I have been attending a wonderful Bible Study at Community Bible Church in High Point. We are studying  "Restore My Heart"  and I am thoroughly enjoying it. Today I heard a really cute story about Queen Elizabeth. It is told that when Queen Elizabeth was 13 years old, she was really difficult to be around. Denise, the author of the study, called age 13 the "armpit of life." Haha! I guess most 13 years old kids are pretty difficult to be around but according to the story, Queen Elizabeth was ridiculously spoiled and constantly disobeyed. One day her Nanny got fed up with her, grabbed her by the shoulders, and shook her.   As the Nanny shook her, she yelled, "Do you know who you are?" Elizabeth proudly answered, "yes, I'm going to be the next Queen." The Nanny said, "start acting like it!"

I am really hard on myself. I always push myself too hard and get mad at myself too easily. I care too much about what other people think of me and I constantly put myself down. As I heard that story today, I felt as if God was yelling that question at me. 

"Tori, do you know who you are?" 

As believers in Jesus Christ, we are His Bride. We are chosen. We are loved. We are His treasure. We are accepted. We are redeemed. We are made whole. We are blessed. We are never forsaken. We are forgiven. We are set-apart. We are "somebody" to the Most High!  I guess we need to start acting like it, huh? 

Today I am thankful for my identity in Christ. Regardless of where I've been, what I've done, how many times I mess up, what I don't get accomplished, how dirty my house is, or what others think of me, I am cherished by the Maker of Heaven and Earth! I am also grateful for Bible Studies, like this one, that God uses to teach me and transform me. Jesus gave His life so that I might live my life to the fullest. He doesn't want me to spend my time putting myself down or worrying about what other people think. He loves me and He has great things planned for me. I think I need to put a post-it note on my coffee maker so I'll see it every morning. It should say, "Tori, remember who you are!" 


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