I will sing!

"I will sing to the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live."
 Psalm 104:33

There is just something about music. I have always loved it! I enjoy hearing all types of instruments and voices singing (even those pitchy voices!) Although there are tons of different types of music, what I really love are songs of worship. I started to listening to only Christian music a few years ago and since then, I can't get enough of it! I love to sing in church, in the car, to my children, by myself, in a choir, in the shower...it doesn't matter where or with whom, I love to sing praises to God! I believe that God enjoys hearing His children sing because in Job 38 we read that even the stars sang when the Earth was being created. He created our voices (each and every voice, good or bad) so we should sing to Him just as the stars did. 
Today I am thankful for music and the ability to sing praises to God. Audrey Assad sings a lovely song called "Little Light." One of the verses says, "Look at all the angels watching You. They're singing songs that we have never heard. Their voices ring like bells over the mountains. Oh, if only we could hear their words." The thought of angels singing songs that we have never even heard just amazes me! If I like singing here, Heaven is going to be paradise for me! (It would be any way I suppose) Just imagine hearing the voices of Heaven's angels singing. I wish I could hear their words! We get a glimpse of it here when we see God's people worship Him but when we get there...Oh its gonna be good! 

No matter what the situation, God is good! I will sing to the Lord all my life! I will sing His praises as long as live!


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