Fair Trade Friday

For several months now I've been supporting a ministry called Fair Trade Friday.  This ministry is an avenue for women to empower women.  Mercy House is a non-profit organization that is tackling poverty through job opportunity and empowerment rather than enablement. 100% of the proceeds support the artisans, more than 500 women and their children from all over the world.  Once a month a package arrives with some lovely products inside that are made by ladies all around the world. I've received bracelets, earrings, necklaces, coffee, Christmas ornaments, scarves, mug warmers and much more. I have loved giving these items as gifts to other women that have touched my life. I have also enjoyed keeping a few of these items for myself! I really enjoy using the products knowing that it was made by someone across the globe and my purchase has blessed them!

Today I opened my Fair Trade Friday package and found the most beautiful purse inside! I immediately put all of my "purse stuff" inside so I can carry this bag! I also have small bag inside to carry chapstick, glasses, lotion, etc. That cute little bag was made by a woman in Africa. It was in a Fair Trade Friday box that I received a couple of months ago. 

Isn't it so pretty?
I love this cute little bag!
This is one of my favorite Fair Trade Friday
items....it was made by a woman in
All the items come with a tag so that
the items can be given as gifts and the
recipients will know the significance
of the gifts.
Each item that comes in the fair trade friday box has a tag
attached that tells where the item was made. 
Sometimes the tags also tell the names of the ladies that worked
on the items. Ramdulan, Nguima, and Malti made the
purse that I am carrying! They are from India!
Today I am thankful for this wonderful ministry. I love being able to help support the women who make these beautiful products. Not only am I allowed to be a blessing to them, I also get to wear and carry and use the items they have spent so much time making. I love knowing the names of the ladies that made my purse! I will pray for them often as I use this lovely bag! I am also grateful for the chance to give these items as gifts. I've seen it as opportunity to bless some of the special women in my life with a surprise gift. It's been a lot of fun for me!

If you are interested in supporting this ministry


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