Director's Summit in Napa Valley!

Almost a year ago I signed up with a brand new company that no one had ever heard of. Before signing up I asked several friends if they would buy or host a party and almost everyone said "probably not." However,  I knew in my gut that KEEP Collective was something God was leading me to do so....I did it anyway! 11 months later, I am about to travel across the country for a Director's Summit. Only the top 1% in this company are invited to attend this event! SAY WHATTT???? I am just amazed that I have done so well!! I can't believe how God has used this company to bless me and my sweet family!!

Today I am thankful for the opportunity God has given me with KEEP Collective. I never even dreamed of doing this well, growing a team of 70 ladies, promoting to Associate Director, flying to Texas and to California all within my first year of being a designer! I can't even express my excitement about this upcoming year!!! I am also grateful for the ability to go on this amazing trip. I have to say, leaving my hubby and boys at home is incredibly hard for me. I've already shed a lot of tears and I haven't even left yet but I know this experience will be good for me and for my fellas. I know God wants to use this trip to grow me and refresh me. I am so grateful that my hubby is making it possible for me to go!!!  Thanks hun! I love you!

So, I won't be writing for a few days but I plan to share lots of Napa Valley pics next week!!! Don't give up on your dreams y'all!! With God all things are possible!

To learn more about KEEP click here


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