Not just a never ending treadmill...
Have you ever felt like life is just a never ending treadmill? There are so many things that I find myself doing over and over again. Laundry, cooking, cleaning, picking up toys, changing diapers, dealing with back pain...just to name a few. Sometimes these things seem to go on and on with no real purpose. At the end of my life I really doubt that I will not look back with a sense of accomplishment because of all the laundry I folded. If I focus on all these seemingly menial tasks, it can start to seem like life is purposeless; just a never ending treadmill. This is something I've been contemplating for a while so I was pleased to hear our pastor speak about life's purpose yesterday at church. It was reassuring to be reminded that God has a purpose for each of His children. Even when seems like all I do is wipe snotty noses, teach math lessons, and vacuum, God has a purpose for me. Without God our life seems useless, tiresome, unfulfilling and out of control. With God, how...