The wisdom of a child...

This morning while driving in the car, we were listening to "Let Go" by Matt Hammitt. Its one of Dylan's (and my) new favorite songs. Part of the chorus says "You know what I don't, so help me to let go. You're in control, so help me to let go. I wanna let go."

So while we were enjoying the song Dylan suddenly screams out, "Mommy, that man is saying that we should let go because Jesus is in control. Its kind of like if I my hand got stuck on a chair. I might try and try but if I can't get my hand off, I can ask Jesus to help me let go!" 

Comical? Yes. A bit of 3 year old wisdom? Yes. 

Although he took the lyrics literally to a degree, in his own special way he is understanding that when things are difficult for us, when we need God's help, God is there for us. Whether it be simple (like getting our hand stuck on a chair, ha!) or a complex problem, we need to let go and trust God. Today I am grateful that God is in control, that we can let go and trust Him, and that my sweet little guy is picking up on this truth. 

The next time your in a difficult situation, remember the wisdom of a child..."I can ask Jesus to help me let go!"


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