Defying the odds...

I read an article today that discussed having a healthy marriage even when one person suffers from chronic pain. The article said that the divorce rate in couples with a disability or chronic pain sufferer in the family hovers around 90%. That totally shocked me! As many of you know, I deal with chronic pain. Although living in constant pain isn't easy, I am so thankful for the life God has given me.  Bryan has been such a great support system with everything that has come along with my back injury and he has helped me in so many ways as I have dealt with the pain. I would never even dream of him divorcing me because of my pain even though he puts up with a lot at times.  

 The closing line of the article I was reading said,  "And for those suffering, look deeply into the eyes of the weary soul who looks after you, quietly hold hands together, and bask in the love you both share; a love that is defying the odds." 

Today I am thankful for a love that is "defying the odds."  I am so grateful for a marriage that can stand strong through tough situations and for a husband that loves me no matter what.

Thank you, Father God, for being the center of our marriage. I pray that Bryan would never grow weary because of my suffering. Give us strength as we endure my chronic pain together. May our love always defy the odds. Amen. 


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