Anguish turns to joy...

"... I will continue to rejoice, for I know that through your prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance." Philippians 1: 18b-19

Anguish is defined as suffering with the added element of mental distress. We've all dealt with it and when in wrapped up in anguish, its hard to see clearly. My bible study focused on this topic today and it shed some light on how to view anguish. John 16: 20-22 says that just like a mother forgets the pain of childbirth once she sees that precious baby, if we trust God with our anguish, it will birth something precious to us. God can cause our nightmares to bring us to our dreams. He can turn our pain into our passion.

Today I am thankful for this truth. Philippians reminds us that with the Holy Spirit, the things that happen to us, regardless of what they are, can bring deliverance. Anguish can turn into joy! I know this is true, its happened to me. My back injury and all the pain, questions, discomfort, and waiting that came along with it have caused me anguish. That anguish hasn't always been easy to deal with but I've tried and continue to try to trust God with it. This situation isn't over yet but God has already changed my dreams because of this anguish. This nightmare has become a blessing to me. 

Each time anguish knocks on my door, I want to remember that with God, anguish can turn to joy! Hallelujah!


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