That Perfect Song...

KLove Radio often shares stories of people who have heard the perfect song during a specific time in their lives. Its almost as if the song was played just for them, right when they needed it. That happens to me all the time! 

I've been a little stressed out the past couple of days and it seems as if I hear "Carry me to the Cross" by Kutless every time I get into the car. I've actually heard it other places as well. We've heard it so much that Dylan and I both know almost every word and we sing along very loudly! I feel like this song is meant for me during this season of my life. My favorite part of the song says "When the path is daunting and every step exhausting, I'm not alone, I'm not alone, no, no. I feel You draw me closer. All these burdens on my shoulder. I'm not alone, I'm not alone. You pull my from this place. Hallelujah. You carry me to the cross. You carry me all the way."

Right now, this song is exactly what I need to be reminded of daily. Even when life is hard and I am exhausted, God is with me. I'm not alone. He carries me all the way. I'm so grateful for that reminder. Today I am thankful for this perfect song and for being able to hear at the perfect time. 


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