Jars of Clay

Today at MOMS our speaker told us that one of her favorite verses is 2 Corinthians 4:7. Its says  "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us."  As she was telling us the reasons she loved this verse, I couldn't help but fall in love with it also. The treasure that the verse refers to is Jesus Christ. The jars of clay represent our bodies. We, like clay, were made to be broken and molded and filled with the treasure.

The Apostle Paul's life was a great illustration of this verse, of a jar of clay. He was completely broken and molded into a godly man. At one point in his life, Paul was about to be killed and he just said, that's ok, "To die is gain." So his enemy said, alright then, we will let you live so Paul said, "To live is Christ!" His enemy was angered and threatened to put him in prison but Paul just saw it as a wonderful opportunity to share the gospel and lead all the guards to Christ. Basically, Paul looked at life and said...

Do whatever you want to my jar, it doesn't really matter, I still have the Treasure!

Today I am thankful for MOMS and the ladies who are willing to share and teach. After hearing the lesson today, I have spent a lot of time thinking about Paul, his life changing experience, his focus on Christ, and his selflessness. I want my life to resemble Paul's life. Just like Paul, life can do what it wants with my jar, regardless of what I go through, I still have the treasure and that's really all that matters!


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