
Showing posts from January, 2015

Mommy Time

Every now and then I get to have some "Mommy Time!" Sometimes I do things with friends or go to church events but today, I spent time all by myself. It was wonderful. It was quiet. No one pulled on my clothes. I didn't have to blow anyone's nose. I didn't have to change a diaper or teach a math lesson. Did I say it was wonderful? I had a pedicure and read a book. It wasn't a children's book either! I've actually been reading the same book for 5 months so having a little time to read was definitely welcomed! Today I am thankful for Mommy Time. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE being a Mommy! There is nothing sweeter, nothing I'd rather do each day. But it is important for us Mommies to take care of ourselves and sometimes that means a few minutes away from the kids. I am also thankful for my sweet hubby who takes over the Mommy role for a few hours so that I can get away! Thanks Babe!

Speak Up!

I heard the most amazing testimony tonight. I won't tell the story because it isn't my story to tell but I will say this, telling others what God has done in your life is POWERFUL! Regardless of whether you believe your story is impressive or not, if you've seen God at work, speak up! I know God has done some amazing things in my life. He's probably done some pretty awesome things in yours as well. So why don't we talk it about it more? Why aren't we shouting from the roof tops? Tonight's testimony got me fired up, can you tell? God is up to some major stuff! He is in the "turning ashes into beauty" business! If word of mouth is the best kind of advertising, we need to start talking! I'm convinced that if we all shared more openly all the things we see God doing in our lives and the lives of our loved ones, the church pews would be filled! God is up to something all the time. He never stops working things for good. And the most amazing part -...

Command = Blessing

This morning during my quiet time I read Philippians 4:6. It says, "   Do not be anxious about anything,  but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." I've probably read this verse at least 100 times before but today, I decided that maybe I should break the verse apart to see exactly what it means. It sunk in on a whole new level.  "Do not" is not a suggestion, it is a command. God isn't saying "Hey, maybe you shouldn't be anxious." No, instead He is saying, "Do NOT be anxious."  The definition of anxious is " experiencing worry, unease, or nervousness, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome." So God is telling me not to worry or be nervous about anything. Not just some things but anything.  Instead, He wants me to bring each and every situation to Him with prayer, petition, and a grateful heart.  That is easier said than done, ac...

Sweet Snuggles

Tonight, after all my boys took a bath and got ready for bed, they asked if they could lay in my bed and watch an episode of "Puss In Boots." I couldn't resist the chance to snuggle with my fellas because they are often too busy and too energetic lay on the bed with me. They argued over who would lay beside me so I ended up laying in the middle with a 6 year old one side and a 3 year old on the other. My 4 month old sat on top of me. I say sat because he refuses to lay down these days. He is so "big" now, just like his brothers, or so he thinks. He absolutely loves sitting up and trying to stand. So, the four of us watched "Puss in Boots" in my bed. It was so sweet! Today I am thankful for those sweet snuggly moments with my boys. The older they get the more rare these moments will become, I'm sure. So, I'm going to enjoy their snuggles every chance I get! And I have to admit, I love it when they argue over who gets to sit beside me. (It...

Photographs and Memories!

My dad came over tonight for dinner and to make some pictures of our cutie pies. If you've never tried to take photographs of 3 little boys, let me go ahead and tell you how chaotic is! I would imagine that it was similar to herding cats. Once we got one child posed, another ran away. Once we got the big boys settled, the baby cried. It was crazy! But, I have to admit, it was fun! As I watched my dad photograph my boys it brought back a lot of memories of when I was a little girl.  My dad has been a photographer for 50 years. When I was little I was his "helper" all the time. I remember him letting me look in the camera and "help" as he took photos. I remember being in the black room as he taught me how to develop film. I remember retouching photos and framing portraits. I even got to go on Bridal shoots and help with weddings occasionally. I loved it!  Tonight my little Evan was enthralled by my dad's camera and lights. He kept asking if he could help ...

No Bus for Us!

This evening, as we were sitting at the dining room table eating dinner, I noticed a school bus drive through our neighborhood. This bus drives through at the same time every night, which is usually around 6pm. As I watched the bus drive away I couldn't help but wonder, why is a child just now getting home from school? I mean, its 6pm for Pete's sake! Then my mind started to ponder the child who has to ride the bus home in the dark each night. I bet he hates getting home so late. What time does he leave for school? Why in the world doesn't he get home sooner? How many hours a day does he spend in school or on that bus? Is the bus warm enough this late in the day? What school does he go to? How does he have time to get his homework done or play sports or be a boy scout or play with his friends? It's almost bedtime when he gets home from school! Does he get to spend any time with his family? As these thoughts filled my mind, gratitude filled my heart. I am so gratefu...

Sunday Afternoon Matinee

After church today Bryan and I took our three little munchkins to a Sunday Afternoon Matinee. This was a real treat for us because we never go to the movie theater, its just too expensive. We've been wanting to take the boys to see "Paddington" since the first time we saw the preview. So today we decided to be adventurous and take all 3 of them! I was a little nervous about taking Tyson because is quite the "talker" these days but he did SO well! I held him the entire time and he never made a peep. Dylan and Evan really enjoyed the movie. I did too actually! It was a super cute film. Today I am thankful fun times with family. I know going to the movie theater really isn't that big of a deal for most people but for our family, it doesn't happen often. Plus, it was our first time going as a family of 5! I'll be honest, I am also grateful for the opportunity to just sit still for an hour and a half...that doesn't happen often either! 

This is NOT our Home!

Today's just been "one of those days!" My back hurts, my head hurts, my feelings are hurt, I'm having a "fat" day, (you know what I'm talking about!) I'm worried about a million things, and I have absolutely no energy. Zero. Nadda. Zelch. And this is probably no surprise, but its not easy to be a mommy of 3 boys with no energy. So then, the guilt sets in because I feel like a bad mom. (Us women, we have a whole bunch of emotions that whirl around our hearts and minds in the course of one day!) It's just not a good day. Period.  During my quiet time I read Galatians 4: 4-7 " But when the set time had fully come,  God sent his Son,  born of a woman,  born under the law,     to redeem  those under the law, that we might receive adoption  to sonship.   Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son  into our hearts,  the Spirit who calls out,  “Abba ,Father.”   So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and ...

Teaching Again!

A few years ago I was told by my doctor that I would never teach in a "school setting" again because of all of my back problems. Since then I have been teaching my own children and loving every minute of it! I have been completely OK with the path God has lead me down. In fact, I really love this path much more than I ever dreamed I would! I haven't really missed teaching in the public school system because of all the junk that goes along with teaching but, from time to time, I have missed teaching all of those precious children.  Today I began teaching LIFE classes for High Point Home Educators. These are classes made up of homeschool students through out High Point. The classes range from Preschool skills to Calculus to Automotive Repair to Latin. There are so many great choices! The classes are only a few hours a day, one day a week, so my back can handle it. I am teaching handwriting, phonics, creative writing and a stories and art class. It was so much fun! Each...

Just What I Needed!

Do you see the red arrow?? That's her! Laura Story photo bombed our picture! I love it when God allows me to see Him providing just what I need, when I need it. Even though I'd been planning to go on this girls' night out for a while, I had no idea how perfect the timing would be and how much I would need it! Some friends and I went to see Laura Story in concert tonight. You probably know her song "Blessings." (What if your blessings come through rain drops, what if your healing comes through tears....) She also wrote "Indescribable," and "What a Savior," both of which are big hits in the Christian music world but are sang by other artists. I had no idea how much I'd love this concert! I knew almost every song she sang and really enjoyed the ones I didn't know. The songs were wonderful but so was her testimony. She has such a genuine love for Jesus but she's also honest about her struggles. It was so refreshing. She is a mo...

Happy Birthday Bryan!

My boys and I had a great time loving on our Daddy today! It was my amazing hubby's birthday! This is the 19th birthday I've celebrated with Bryan. That absolutely blows my mind. The first time I celebrated with him, he turned 16! Wow, time sure does fly by!   Tonight we went to dinner, just Bryan, Tyson and me. We were reminiscing over the past year and had to laugh because one year ago today, we also went to dinner just the two of us. We were in total shock that night because I had just found out I was pregnant! (and that was a surprise!) Now, one year later, our 3rd bundle of joy was with us at Bryan's birthday dinner. What a wonderful year it has been! Me and my handsome hubby Our third bundle of joy, Tyson With each year that passes, I am more and more grateful that God made Bryan and allowed him to be my husband. He is the man of my dreams and my best friend! I am amazed by the person God has turned him into. He is an incredible father and a loving h...


Eventually not sleeping more than 3 or 4 hours in a row for almost 4 months will catch up with you. This morning, when I woke up to get ready for church, I could barely function. I honestly hardly even remember trying to get up and telling Bryan that I just couldn't do it. I have been exhausted for a while but this morning, I couldn't make myself get up and go. All the coffee in the world wouldn't have helped! My incredible husband told me to go back to bed. I didn't argue! And guess what? I slept until 12:30pm! I haven't slept that late since I was in college! I needed that sleep so desperately. I have felt like a new person since I woke up. I've had more energy today than I've had since before I got pregnant with Tyson. It's amazing what a little sleep will do! We got all the Christmas decorations cleaned up and put away, we cleaned and vacuumed the entire house, did 3 loads of laundry, made dinner and played three games of Candyland. It's bee...

2014 was so good! I can't wait to see what's in store for 2015!!

On this day last year I could have never imagined all the blessings that 2014 would hold. On January 7th we found out we were expecting our 3rd child. On March 5th my 5 year long worker's comp case finally settled. On April 1st Bryan was promoted to a new position as his job. On April 12th we went under contract on our new home. On June 4th we moved in! On August 19th Dylan asked Jesus to be his Lord and Savior. On September 15th I gave birth to an incredible surprise....a third son instead of the daughter we'd planned on (the best surprise I've ever gotten). On October 5th Dylan was baptized. October 14th-21st we went on our first vacation as a family of 5 to Asheville, which was perfect! And throughout December we celebrated our first Christmas in our new home. 2014 was incredible! It wasn't only incredible because of all the blessings but also because of all the lessons I've learned. All of these amazing gifts have taught me that God is SO faithful. He provi...