The fold...

I usually wait to write this blog at night when the kids are asleep but I didn't get home until 10pm last night (baby Tyson is playing baby Jesus in a big Christmas production!)  and I was too tired to write it. After spending all morning with a full, grateful heart, I am about to bust at the seams....I just can't wait another second to write this blog.

I would guess that most Mommies worry like crazy when their husbands drive long distances and I'm no different. My husband works an hour and 15 minutes away so he drives 2 and a half hours every day that he goes into the office. Every morning that he leaves my heart fills with worry and I pray and pray until that worry fades and I remember that my God is in control and I can trust him. For the 10 years he has driven this long drive, nothing "bad" has happened but still, I find myself praying like crazy every morning. 

Things change though. 

In the past few weeks my hubby has been involved in two accidents. Not one, TWO! Talk about an excuse to worry! The first time someone hit him in the driver side door. No one was hurt. Praise God. The second time, yesterday, someone ran over a 2x4 in the highway and it flew up into my husband's car. The car is significantly damaged but again, he wasn't hurt! Praise God! After examining the car when he got home yesterday, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for God's protection. The 2x4 almost went through the windshield. I mean, a second difference would have changed everything. My Father does hear the quiet prayers of this worried Momma!

Right now, for me at least, there is a very fine line between being full of fear and full of gratitude. I think I've been hopping back and forth over that very fine line twenty times per hour, maybe more. I am suddenly so afraid for my husband to go to work while I am also so incredibly grateful that God has proven that He is watching out for my family. He is protecting the leader and provider of our family. Oh, how that makes my heart full. 

When I was too tired to write this blog last night I had decided that I wouldn't write one about his accidents but it has become clear to me today, after doing our homeschool Bible lesson with Dylan, that I have to praise my Father for His protection!!! I just can't keep my fingers from typing!

We read today about the Good Shepherd. A good shepherd provides for his sheep, leads his sheep, cares for his sheep, and protects his sheep. Did you know that the shepherd brings the sheep into a sheep fold, or house, to protect them. Then, the shepherd literally lays in the doorway of the fold. Nothing can enter or escape without the shepherd allowing it. I've learned about this before and it amazed me but today, I feel like God is reminding me that He is my family's Shepherd and He is in complete control of what enters or escapes our lives. As John 10:7 says, "he explained it to them: "I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep." Jesus is our gate! He is the shepherd and He has us in the sheep fold, protecting us completely. Nothing happens in our lives that He isn't aware of. I have nothing to fear. So, when the fear fades the gratitude grows! 

Do you see the Shepherd? Laying in the doorway! He is the gate!

I love this imagery! My Jesus is my Gate! He is my Protector!

Today I am over-the-top grateful for God's protection in my husband's life these past few weeks. I know He is always protecting us but it has been so evident lately! I am even more thankful for the Sheep Fold. It is so comforting to know that even when the scary things of life are happening, we can rest in the promise that our Father is protecting us. He is the gate. Yes, sometimes He allows things that aren't what we want but He is doing what is best for us, So still, even in those hard times, we are in the safest place we could possibly be. My Jesus is my Shepherd. He is my husband's Shepherd. He is the Shepherd for my boys. I can trust Him. And when I start hopping back and forth between that fine line of worry and gratitude, I can picture the sheep fold and know that we are safe.


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