A New Christmas Tradition....

Our family has had an absolutely wonderful Christmas. This year has contained a lot "new" things for us (like our new home and our new family member!) So we decided it would be fun to start a new Christmas tradition also. Instead of just another fun activity or another event or gift,  Bryan and I wanted to start a tradition that teaches our children that Christmas isn't about all that we can GET but about sharing what Christ has given to us....life! He came so that we might have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). So since we have been given so much life, we need to share it! It breaks my heart to think of so many people who are lonely on Christmas. There are so many who could use a little cheer. And who better to share life than the liveliest of all....children! Since we enjoy visiting nursing homes and there are so many lonely folks there, we decided to make a Christmas Day visit to a local nursing home a yearly tradition. And that tradition began tonight!

Most of the residents at High Point Place were seated in the dining room when we arrived. We had a lot of extra Christmas cards so we simply walked around the dining room, handed out cards, and talked with the residents. You would have thought we'd brought them all a crisp 100 dollar bill. They were thrilled to see us. It made me so sad to see them sitting there eating tuna salad on Christmas but it made my day to see their faces light up when they saw our little guys.

Evan was being shy and Tyson was alseep but it didn't matter. The residents loved seeing both of them! Dylan handed out the cards and spoke with each person. Some of them hugged on him and asked him bunches of questions. It was precious! They just couldn't believe we had come on Christmas. They wanted to hear all about our family and what the children had gotten for Christmas. Many of the ladies even told me that they had also raised 3 boys! (And they grinned that special grin that only a mom of 3 boys can understand! HA!)

We all had a terrific Christmas and we made so many sweet memories but my favorite of all was our time at the nursing home. I love watching my children share the life and joy that God has given them with others. When we were leaving Dylan said, "That went well." Bryan and I said, "See how happy you made them?" Dylan responded, "It made me happy too!" That's it....giving blesses the giver too!

Today I am thankful for an amazing Christmas in our new home, with our new little guy, and our new tradition. It's been my favorite Christmas so far! I am also grateful that my family can bring joy to others just by giving a few minutes of our time. And at the same time, my children are learning lessons that really can't be taught any other way.

Merry Christmas!!! 


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