He's In My Belly!

Lately my sweet three year old, Evan, has been a little bit scared when we turn the lights off in his room at night. He sleeps in the bunk bed with his big brother, has at least 5 stuffed animals to sleep with, has a night light, and (by his request) we leave the blinds open, but he's still scared. We taught him Joshua 1:9 several months ago and he has started reciting it on his own at night when I say, "remember, you have nothing to be afraid of." His precious little voice says, "Be stwong, do not be afwaid, God is wid you!" Usually he is just fine after he recites his verse and usually he goes to bed without another peep. The last two nights have been different though. For some reason, he has still been afraid. I've been explaining that the reason he doesn't need to be afraid is because God is with him always. I say, "Evan, God is right here in this room with you." And do you know what that three year old cutie pie said?? "I know, Mommy,  He's right here in my belly!" 

I guess he's been picking up on some things during our family devotions! We often talk about making Jesus the Boss of our lives and  Him living inside of us. It's often referred to as "Jesus being in our hearts" but somehow Evan decided that Jesus lives in his belly!! Whatever, wherever, he's right! Jesus is with him, in him, and all about him! 

Today I am thankful that even a three year old can begin to understand the amazing truth that God is with us, He is our Protector, and He loves us so much! I am grateful that I can boldly tell my son that he isn't alone and I know that its true. I know that my God is with my son. I know that we have nothing to be afraid of. Those aren't just words to comfort him and get him to be quiet. I tell my son that Jesus is with him with confidence. What a sweet blessing that is! 

As we say goodbye to 2014 and hello to 2015, I am grateful to say that we are not alone! We have nothing to fear! "God is wid us!"


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