Glimpses of His Presence

The last sentence of today's Jesus Calling devotional says, "Keep your 'antennae' out to pick up even the faintest glimmer of My presence." When I read that this morning I decided that today I would strive to see glimpses of my Savior's presence in my daily life. 

I noticed Him in the rain drops, the sun peaking through the clouds, the sweet words of a friend and the songs on the radio but my favorite glimpse of my Savior's presence was in the doctor's office this morning. As we watched the screen while the ultrasound technician took measurements and pictures of our littlest miracle, I couldn't help but think, "right there, there is proof of God's presence." The life of my unborn baby is proof that God is still at work in the details of lives. He is still forming His children in a mother's womb. He is still making great plans for the lives He creates. He is still here, loving us and caring for us. 

Today I am thankful that I saw glimpses of the Lord's presence while my boy's sang to me and the baby, in the strong gushes of the wind, and verses of scripture posted by my friends on Facebook. My God is everywhere! I just have to keep my eyes open and look for Him! I am also grateful for the precious baby I watched wiggle and squirm today. It's was such an amazing sight! What a perfect example of God's presence and activity in our lives!


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