Our Little Theologian
Dylan, my four year old "wild" child, has become quite the theologian! Tonight, during our prayer time, Dylan prayed for a family member that is lost. His prayer sounded a lot like this "God, please help ______ to let Jesus into his heart and help him to let You be the Boss of his life. Jesus, I don't want you to have to die and be broken again because I don't want you to be sad. Please, oh please, let ________ know that You died for him and that You want him to be in Heaven one day. I am glad that God never sleeps and that when I am asleep, You are awake. Thank you that I can pray anytime and that You always hear my prayers. I always, always, always love You. In Jesus Name, Amen." You could just hear the sincerity in his voice. It was precious! When the prayer was done, Dylan said he hopes our family member asks Jesus to be in his heart soon because he knows that is the only way to go to heaven. He said "I know God lives in my...