Natural Born Momma

Earlier today I was talking with  a friend that I used to teach with. I was explaining that I am now a homeschooling Mommy. I said, "I never, ever thought I would homeschool my kids but its perfect! I love it!" Her response was nothing extravagant or flashy. She just said, "I'm not surprised.  You're a Natural Born Momma!" That compliment just made my heart smile! She's right. God made me to be the Mommy to these little boys. He made me to be their teacher too! Sometimes its hard for me to remember that He has equipped me to do exactly what He has called me to do! A sweet compliment like that helps me to refocus and remember how grateful I am for the opportunity to raise these adorable little ones. 

Today I am thankful for the "job" God has given me. When He created me, He knew that I would be Dylan, Evan, and Tyson's Mommy. He has called me and equipped me and this is the purpose for this season of my life. I am so grateful that He has allowed me to be a "Natural Born Momma!" I am also thankful for sweet little compliments from a friend. You never know what your words might mean to someone, so speak kindly and compliment often! God might just use you to remind someone of how special and valuable they are!


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