1996 was how long ago?

 On this day in 1996 I met Bryan Shaw for the very first time. We had grown up in the same neighborhood our entire lives but had never met each other. On June 28th, my friends took me to Bryan's house to introduce me to him. I have no idea why...honestly when I look back on that, I'm not sure what the purpose was or why we were even walking around the neighborhood. Anyway, Bryan was standing outside and I immediately wanted to know him better. I think we spent the rest of the day playing duck, duck, goose! (Don't judge, we were young! haha) We've been together (with a few ups and downs and breakups and reunions) ever since then. Gosh, how long ago WAS that?

College years

Our Wedding- 2004
Who would have guessed on that hot day in 1996 that I was meeting the man that I would spend the rest of my life with? We guessed, actually! Haha. We used to sit in our neighborhood talking about the day we would get married, have a house, and have babies. We daydreamed and planned and knew that we would be together forever. I remember us saying, "Only 8 more years until we can get married!

I cannot believe that it has been 19 years since I met the man God made for me. We have been through so much together. We have come so far. God has done amazing things in our lives and in our marriage. We are living now, what we dreamed of when we were younger. It's so wonderful! Today I am thankful that I met that blonde boy 19 years ago. I am grateful that even through it all, God made sure we ended up right here, living the dream He planted in our hearts. I am thankful for the ups and downs, the good times and hard times, and all the ways we have grown over the years. All love stories are beautiful but I think ours is the best!


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