Better than Screen Time!!

Recently I realized that my boys have had little too much "screen time" this summer.  If you don't know what that is, let me share. Anything that has a screen is covered in "screen time" such as television, computer, tablet, phone, and video games. Since we haven't been doing school work and it has been SUPER HOT, the kids have wanted t stay inside and watch TV. A little bit is fine, but too much screen time isn't good for anyone.

 A few months ago I saw a sign to post on the refrigerator that gave kids several things to do before they could enjoy their screen time. I changed a few things and made it more appropriate for our family and I started this new Summer Time Rule a few days ago. The list isn't anything's just make your bed and put your clothes in the hamper, have your quiet time with God, complete a math problem of the day, read a book for 20 minutes, do something creative for 30 minutes and complete 1 chore. I totally expected to hear complaining and arguing and whining but, I didn't! I think they actually like having some things to accomplish each morning. 

I'm hoping this list will help to train our boys to make their beds each morning and realize that chores and education are more important than screen time. But mostly, I'm hoping this will help to get them used to having a quiet time with God each day. I never knew that spending time with God was something I should be doing until I was about to graduate high school. And since it wasn't something my family did or stressed as important, when I went to college I never had a quiet time. I wish I had known sooner so that I had learned to make time with God a priority at a younger age. I absolutely love hearing Dylan reading his Jesus Calling Devotional for kids, finding the appropriate passages and reading those and then spending time in prayer. While he does that, either Bryan or I have been reading Bible stories with Evan. It's just such a sweet time!! I hope that they will always make reading their Bible and spending time talking with God a priority!

This morning when Dylan went to put his Bible and devotional away, he looked up at me and said with such joy, "I really love my time alone with God!" Oh, let me tell you, my heart nearly burst! I'm not sure I can think of better words to hear your child say. I am so incredibly grateful that God is using this time to draw Dylan close to Himself and Dylan is enjoying it! What a sweet gift for me to witness my oldest boy enjoying spending time with his Lord!! Thank you, Jesus!


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