Hide it under a bushel? NO!

We moved into our home (also known as "Our Promised Land") a little over a  year. I call it our promised land because getting this home took forever...or at least it seemed like it! Serioulsy,  2 and 1/2 years for our old house to sell and then 7 months of waiting to close on this house. We truly believed all along that God had a plan and that we'd would see the "promised land" and in His time, we did!!! And it couldn't have been sweeter!

I've  probably told you guys three million times how much I love our home and how grateful I am for this sweet gift from our God. One thing that always bugged me a little was this big tree right-smack-dab in front of our house. I have always felt like it was hiding our house. Don't get me wrong, I love trees as much as the next guy but this one was hiding what I consider to be one of God's greatest gifts to me and family. 

So, Bryan and I decided to have it taken down!


It's not hidden any longer!! I absolutely LOVE our house being visible!!! It's so pretty. It's so special to us!! This is our gift from God and I want our friends and family to be able to see it when they come over!! Plus, we planted some very pretty plants where the tree used to be, which I'm also super excited about!

Removing the tree and allowing our home to be seen has reminded me of the children's song "This little Light of Mine" you remember it, right? This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. Hide it under a bushel? NO! I'm going to let it shine!

It's silly, I know, but just like we want our home to be seen, I want my family's faith in God to shine! We want those around us to see all the He has done and How much we love Him! I don't want to hide my house or my hope under a bushel! NO! Let it shine!

Today I am thankful for our home, again. I'm like a broken record with it but seriously, this house really is like a promised land to us and I never want to forget how faithful my God is for leading us here and providing for us in this way! I am also thankful for the metaphor....let's uncover, un-hide, unveil our faith in a Mighty God! The world needs to see us boldly praising our God and He is surely deserving of it! Let's cut down the things in our lives that hide Jesus so that the world can see Him clearly!


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