Yes, it's TRUE! Baby #4 On the Way!

Lately, my boys have been asking for another baby! Last night, Dylan even prayed that I would have a baby in my belly already, even though I didn't know it yet. This morning, I took a test, and realized that God had answered Dylan's prayer!! We will be having another sweet little baby! According to, this baby's due date is June 6th!

 We have 3 VERY excited little boys on our hands! They have been grinning ear to ear ever since we told them that God had answered their prayers! Dylan even said that this was the best day of his life! They've asked a hundred questions and thrown out fifty different name ideas. They are so happy to add another sibling to the family!

Today I am grateful for another little life that God has placed in my womb. I know many people think we shouldn't share our news so early but we just can't keep such a blessing to ourselves! This baby is a gift from God, and an answer to prayer. Even though its early, we share our happy news and ask you all to pray for our sweet baby as it grows, that he/she would be healthy and strong. We also ask that you might pray for our family, that God would prepare each of us to have another little person in our home! I've had difficult pregnancies in the past, so we ask for prayer for strength and good health for me as I carry this little booger around for 9 months! 

We are absolutely thrilled (and a little nervous) to become a "party of six!" We would have never imagined having 4 children but when Tyson was a surprise boy, instead of the girl we were told we'd be having, I knew God had something more in store! I can't wait to meet this little gal or guy that God wanted to bless us with!


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